Biceps Tear!
everybody in the room heard a loud POP!
It was Wednesday, December 1, 2010. I was doing a strange and intense move. My left arm was completely crossed over to the right and fully extended. I grabbed a jug-sized hold, and my left foot came off which caused my body to barn-door to the right. Totally dedicated to “sticking the move”, I hang on while my arm rotated outside. Everybody in the crowded room heard a loud “POP”!

So I went to the doctor, who accused me of being too old to play like that. He insisted my arm was okay. I told him I knew something was very wrong. He finally prescribed an MRI, saying we were just looking for “micro tears”.
MRI is an amazing technology.
This is the cross section of the line “A:7” above.
His nurse called the next morning, informing me how astonished he was that he was wrong. The muscle is hanging on by about 5% of the remaining tendon!
He scrambled to get into an orthopedic surgeon to see me. My wife, who is a world famous hand therapist, hooked me up with a specialist who has done these exact surgery hundreds of times.
So, I’m going in today, Wednesday, December 22, 2010, for the procedure. I’ve never been under general anesthesia before, and I’m a little nervous. The good news is, the prognosis is very good. Most people who undergo this surgery report almost full strength in 9 to 12 months.
My good friend Jesiah pointed out there may be something else happening here:

I am nervous but optimistic and ready to start the healing process! Happy 2010 Holidays!!!