by Michael at 03:29 AM (PST) on March 27, 2005
Spent the day checking out Kathmandu today. After a healthy 10 hour nap, I went for a run at 6 am this morning. Nothing like running in a strange city with lots of twisty streets, no street signs, cars honking, motorcycles, dogs, people, bicycles, dirt, and everyone looking at you because you stick out like a sore thumb. My dust mask which started out bright white was a dull grey after the 38-minute run.
We spent the rest of the morning going to a couple of the monasteries around town (Swayambhunath). It was a bit like walking around the zoo in Seattle with the monkeys and birds screeching and chirping. Tomorrow we are going to try to make it out to Pashupati Nath which is where they do the body cremations. As well as Bretzels, we hear they make some killer pastries!
Had the closest shave of my life (literally), along with a head massage and some chiropractic care thrown in for free. The whole haircut, shave and massage was about $2.50 and I probably paid more than the locals would.
Al and Marne (Al’s girlfriend who is trecking into Advanced Base Camp with us) arrived today and Al’s already out shopping for some last minute gear.
Tonight we are all getting together for dinner and will be singing Happy Birthday to Ambrose (today is his birthday).
Hope everyone back home is doing as awesome as we are!!!
Happy Easter!