By Michael at 04:03 PM (PDT) on May 27, 2005
I made it to Kathmandu a couple of days ago (the 25th to be exact). It was a heavenly jeep ride slowly descending the entire day into greener and moister country the entire way. Breathing in the smell of spring and seeing all the green plants was a real treat. I’ve showered, shaved, eaten, slept and now I almost feel normal again! My throat is still scratchy and my lungs still feel a bit raw, but on the whole I figure another day or two should take care of that.
Unfortunately the brain cells that had my yahoo account (mpfrank) password stored in them were apparently destroyed so I can’t access that email until I get back to Seattle. This is coming to you from a new yahoo account (mpfrank2). In the short term please send email to me at the new account.
Current plans are for Ambrose, Ryan, Scott, and Al to arrive here sometime between today and June 2nd depending on jeep availability and how quick they want to get here to relax. I’m going to try and change my ticket to the 3rd. In the meantime I’ve been getting free meals at the Rum Doodle (a benefit of being an Everest Summiteer), hanging with Rosa, sightseeing, shopping, etc…
As my body recovers my mind is slowly dissolving the painful parts of the climb and the more excited and happy I am with having made it to the top! It was a wonderful experience!
One more week and I look forward to seeing everyone and enjoying spring in Seattle!
Karma (Bhutan), The Spanish woman, and Michael at the famous Rum Doodle restaurant. Because they are all Everest summiters, they can eat there free for life!